Thanksgiving 2021

Thanksgiving this year was soooo much sweeter than any Thanksgiving we've ever had. It was our first Thanksgiving with Ronin earth side! Last Thanksgiving is a blur of throw up, emotions, and being pregnant. I did not miss that this year haha. 

Thanksgiving day was my favorite. Preston and I made a pie that morning, watched some movies and played some games, then went over to his parents house. We had dinner and lots of pie. Jared smoked the turkey and it was seriously the best turkey I have ever had. I'm not really a turkey person, but when Jared smokes it, I totally am! He also made this really really really good Oreo chocolate pie that was a good time. One of our traditions is to go around the table at dinner and say what we are thankful for. I always say that I'm thankful for my family, and while that is still true, I am most thankful this year for Ronin. I have always wanted to be a mother, since I was little. Growing up, people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I always said a mother. I'm also most thankful for Preston, he gave me the most wonderful gift of all. He made me a wife, then a mother, and I am eternally thankful. 

Ronin was so fun to see on Thanksgiving. We gave him yams and potatoes to try, and he really liked the yams! I think it was the sweetness of them that he liked. He wasn't a fan of the potatoes either. But would you like potatoes if they didn't have salt, pepper, butter, cheese, etc.? Probably not. Haha. He also wore the cutest little outfit that said "I came, I ate, I took a nap." I've never related more to a 6 month old. 

The holidays are such a special time for me, and I'm so excited to spend them this year with my baby boy. I am so grateful for all of the blessings in my life, not just on Thanksgiving, but everyday. I love my family so much💖

The reason I get up every morning💝

Grandma, Ronin, and G-Pop 

Ronin started doing this face randomly and now he won't stop haha 

First taste of yams! 

There were more yams on Ronin and on the floor than anywhere else 

Ronin trying potatoes: A series 

Ronin's first time trying solid food!:) 


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