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SEVEN months??? (on December 15th, 2021) Are you KIDDING me? Time is going by so fast and it's breaking my heart! Although it's really fun to see Ronin learning and growing and developing:):) Here are the highlights -  -Can roll from back to tummy (still not tummy to back, but we are working on it) -Loves to sleep on his side, and occasionally his stomach -Puts everything in his mouth  -LOVES bath time. Seriously this kid is going to be a swimmer one day -So far doesn't love solid foods. He's tried yams, potatoes, avocados, mangos, and eggs. He liked the yams okay but everything he has hated haha -Still exclusively breastfeeding for nutrients, and trying solid foods for fun -Can sit up on his own with a straight back for a few minutes, but then leans down to put his weight on his arms  -Constantly grabbing his toes and is now chewing on them (how are babies so flexible?!?!)  -Hates getting his diaper changed, only because he wants to roll over all the time -Loves taking

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